How are you a champion for change?
I believe that the way to affect change in the business world is to affect change at the board level with board diversity. I therefore sought appointments in 2019 as an Independent Board Director. I augmented my finance skills by joining organizations that promote good board governance, taking steps to qualify for Independent Board readiness: The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and the Private Directors Association (PDA). As a result of my effort, I was appointed to three boards as an Independent Director (one public company and two private companies) in 2019. I also received recognition as a NACD Board Leadership Fellow. I am now focused on making an impact in the boardroom, where leadership from women and people of color is sorely needed.

How are you advancing the state of women?
I am passionate about equity for all. 2020 is a great year, as women celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. I don’t take this right for granted, as it was only after the passage of the Voting Rights bill 45 years later in 1965 that women of color were also afforded this right. Equity for some is not equity for all. I hope to continue to move the needle towards that goal in whatever way I can.