How are you a champion for change?
I’m proud to have played a role in redefining our company as an impact investment bank. As Bridgepoint’s COO, I feel a responsibility to live the cultural change we’d like to see manifested in others. In 2019, that has meant elevating to become the board president for Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach, an organization dedicated to serving the homeless population with a mission to end homelessness in Lincoln, Nebraska; spearheading an “Urgent Need Diaper Drive” for an Omaha nonprofit that serves people severely affected by poverty; and involving the company in giving time to assist at a local food pantry.

Tell us more about you.
As a Russian-Cuban immigrant to the U.S., I recall watching the prince-and-pauper-themed movie, “Beethoven,” in our small Russian apartment before moving here at age 9. I wondered if America could possibly be so perfect. I became very goal-oriented and graduated from college in three years. I dreamed of working on Wall Street and joined Deutsche Bank, where I quickly realized my dream industry was broken. I saw brilliant people burnt out, laid off or with a lost sense of balance. Today I am grateful we have created a platform for change in this industry with our impact investment bank.